He's willing to do anything—anything—to please the producers. This reality star will only please people for a price. These rival actresses take no pleasure in working together. Hollywood is a place full of happy endings.

1. "This television series is probably not returning next season. The expense of the production just can't be justified by the show's low ratings. One of the show's stars, however, just isn't willing to let go. It's the best paycheck s/he's had in a while, and s/he will do anything to keep it. That includes ringing up those bankrolling the show and asking to meet with them personally. After work hours. In a very private location. While we're doubtful the actor will be successful in keeping the show on the air, it's good to know that their dedication means that they are willing to take one for the team." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This very young, but legal, socialite reality star (not cable) was at a party the other night when she made it very clear that she was available for the night for the right price. Her asking price? $25,000. When one guy asked her how come she charged so much she said, 'I'm on a reality show. I have a DVD of one of the episodes if you want to watch.'" [CDaN]

3. "These two females work on a television show for a network drama. One of the females (Female A) left for a short while and then came back. While she was gone, the other female (Female B) stayed and become close with the cast and crew. When A returned, she was furious and jealous of how chummy B was with everyone. She was convinced B was trying to steal her friends and her thunder from the show. It created a lot of drama and spread rumors of B trying to put a wedge between her and the cast. This in turn, caused B to retaliate and according to the source, lots of petty things went down on set. B was accused of talking writers into switching lines that were originally intended for A to be given to B. A was said to have trashed the wardrobe of B in her trailer. Things of that nature. The rivalry got so bad that B was said to have slept with A's man and now A has decided to leave the show permanently. Not Eva Longoria." [BuzzFoto]

4. "Which tubby British star keeps telling people he's joined a gym to lose weight. But in reality he is using it only to pick up women AND men, making full use of the hot tub facilities...." [UK Mirror]