Pedobear Pays a Visit to Pope Ben

Two billboards advertising a papal visit to Malta have been defaced with Pedobear. "It is not clear why the artist in question juxtaposed the bears with the Pope," reports the Times of Malta. Let us clear it up.
Someone is using an internet meme to call the Pope a kid raper. (Or a friend of kid rapers.) Do you know what an internet meme is? Not much internet at the Vatican, you say? Well, Pedobear started on 4chan, which is this sprawling, vastly unpoliced place where people post messages and pictures of whatever they want—sort of like the Wailing Wall, if the Wailing Wall was for pleasure instead of prayer, and if everyone got to read the stuff people put there, not just God. Anyway, Pedobear is friendly and creepy and creepily friendly—just like pedophiles—so people put him places where pedophiles will see him—like on or around kid porn—which is funny. If you don't think it's funny, you never will, so don't try. Anyway, once you've got that concept down, you can put Pedobear in places that aren't kid porn, and then it's even funnier, because it's like you're saying "this thing is of or related to kid porn." And that, Pope Ben, is what this Maltese graffiti artist would like to say to you. [TimesofMalta]