Reality-show-contestant-turned-TV-host Hasselbeck is the youngest-and dumbest-host on The View.

Hasselbeck (née Elisabeth Filarski) was a 23-year-old Boston College grad and Puma employee living in Boston when she earned a spot as a contestant on Survivor: The Australian Outback. She parlayed her fourth-place finish into a job with the Style Network, hosting Stylemakers and supremely underrated The Look for Less, before trying out to replace View co-host Lisa Ling and winning the gig in 2003. Hasselbeck has played the conservative counterpoint on The View since her first day. Her political platform: creationism and the war in Iraq, good; abortion and gay marriage, bad.

In 2002 Elisabeth married her college sweetheart Tim Hasselbeck. (That makes her brother- in-law quarterback Matt Hasselbeck.) The couple have three children. [Image via Getty]