Today we looked at a young Wisconsin district attorney bravely crusading against sex education, inciting many of you to sex-induced rage. One commenter speculated about what sex with the DA and his ilk might be like in chilling detail.

i'm a bottle:

I'd like to lead a revolution in this country to outlaw sex for all evangelical Christians and weirdo cultural-war Republicans. Somehow the idea of Dick Cheney or this Baby-Huey-like prosecutor having relations with any person, that is, penetrating the reproductive orifices of their subservient partners with their undersized members, their breath stinking of Chivas Regal and steak, while they give a few feeble heaves with their alabaster, obese bodies, is enough to traumatize me or any right-thinking citizen of this great country of ours.

Who knows if that's accurate or if it's actually a lot worse! But the imagery deserved to be recognized either way.