Joy Behar and her panel gathered tonight to discuss Conan O'Brien's move to TBS. Many question the fact that George Lopez is being bumped to a later time, just like O'Brien was. Inside, Behar and her panel dissect the situation.

As Egypt Sherrod points out in the clip, O'Brien will have much more leeway on TBS than he would on FOX because late night on cable is much different than late night on network television. For a long time, O'Brien had to censor himself and do what the network wanted. Just look at Chelsea Lately or Adult Swim—both are fairly popular and dedicated to viewers less likely to be offended by risque content.

Apparently, TBS has jumped on the "I'm with Coco" bandwagon, as it has branded parts of its logo with that of the popular O'Brien fan site/Facebook page. Something tells me that the decision to adopt the logo will go over very well with both Team Coco and I'm with Coco.

On the topic of late night viewership, with a heavy heart I must report that Jay Leno is back on top. Even the great David Letterman could not stave off Leno's return. Leno averaged 4.9 million viewers per night in March compared to 3.7 million for Letterman. Surprisingly, Leno has actually regained 82% of his former viewership. However, Adult Swim is the #1 network for adults 18-34, beating both broadcast and cable channels, and Family Guy alone gets double the ratings of Leno and Letterman. Giggity!

[The Joy Behar Show] [Variety]