The first date of Conan O'Brien's live tour was tonight in Eugene, Oregon. If you did not happen to be there, Conan O'Brien unveiled his newest character: The copyright-dodging 'Self-Pleasuring Panda.' One audience member captured it on film. SPOILER ALERT.

This audience member did not skimp on their camera, or their seats:

According to a friend who called and left us a voice mail about the show, Conan also debuted an updated version of the Walker, Texas Ranger Lever—The "Rural Policeman Handle." 30 Rock's Jack McBrayer was there to pull it.

Our source also mentioned "the giant inflatable bat from Meat Loaf's 'Bat Out of Hell Tour.'" You will have to buy a ticket and go see the show to learn what that's about.

Spoon was a guest musical act (they were playing a show nearby), and Andy and La Bamba were out in full force as well. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog was there! He said that "the state flower of Oregon is Mayor Sam Adams." (Portland's mayor is gay.) Conan opened the show with 20 minutes of stand-up, during which he took a few good-natured digs at NBC (""I'm not allowed to say word 'peacock,' but I can say the words 'pea' and 'cock.'") And, finally, Conan made up a twitter hashtag for his show: #jubjub.

And that's what you missed! (Don't worry if you weren't there: There are plenty of other dates. We hear you can get a ticket on Craigslist for as few as five sexual favors.)

(video via Cann3dheat) (Pics via rkremers.)