A pair of drunk Republican eye-doctors were seated near Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) on a flight from Los Angeles to Boston, and they harassed the poor man until his partner stood up to call them bitches, which they probably were.

According to the Boston Globe, the doctors—who were sisters—had been drinking, and started loudly calling the healthcare bill an "Obamanation" once they realized they were seated near Frank. After Frank politely declined their invitation to debate reform from 30,000, they started "crying and shouting," according to a passenger, and Frank's partner Jim Ready eventually stood up and told them, "If you're trying to be bitchy, you're doing a good job." Snap!?

Anyway, it was all settled without violence, which is probably a disappointment to the National Review's Charlotte Hays, who reacted last week to reports that threats of violence against members of Congress are up three-fold with a call to harass elected officials on airplanes: "What if our legislators had known in advance of that dastardly vote that that they would have to rub elbows with us? What if (heaven forfend!) Nancy Pelosi had to sit next to one of us on an airplane?"

Looks like the Tea Partiers are heeding her advice. But "crying and shouting" isn't going to change any votes. The point is to make them scared for their bodily safety. So let's get physical out there, kids!