A socialite and songwriter, Rich is best known as the ex-wife of financier Marc Rich.

Denise Eisenberg married Marc Rich in 1966, and as Marc spent much of the 1970s amassing a fortune as a commodities broker as Denise tended to the family and pursuing a career as a songwriter. She's had a surprising amount of success in the music biz: Her work has been recorded by Diana Ross, Celine Dion, Marc Anthony, Aretha Franklin, and Mary J. Blige, and she's been nominated for several Grammys. However, Rich didn't become a household name for her songwriting abilities—it was the saga concerning her husband that landed her in the papers. In 1983, Marc Rich was indicted on charges of tax evasion and illegally trading with Iran; Rich and his partner, who were in Switzerland at the time, never returned to the U.S. to face the charges and became fugitives for more than a decade and a half. That ended in 2001 when President Bill Clinton pardoned Rich—a move that, not coincidentally, followed a series of large donations by Denise to the Democratic party and the Clinton Presidential Library. Charges that the Riches had bribed Clinton immediately surfaced, leading to an international media circus and forcing Denise to testify before Congress.

These days Rich's primary focus is her non-profit foundation, which raises money for cancer research. (She lost her daughter Gabrielle to leukemia when she was just 27.) Denise and Marc divorced in 1996 and she walked away with an estimated $200 million as part of a settlement, ensuring that she'll be able to afford tanning beds and enormous diamonds for the rest of her days. She's since been connected to Danish fertility doctor Niels H. Lauersen, who later spent five years in prison for insurance fraud. [Image via Getty]