Some Advice For the Tea Party Crashers

Tomorrow is the Tea Party's big day: Tax day! They will be rallying all over the place. Some people want to "crash" these parties and ruin them. Sounds like a plan. Here is some advice! is a website set up to encourage Liberals to infiltrate Tea Party events and "exaggerate their least appealing qualities." Conservative blogger Ann Althouse—who recently forgave black and gay legislators for having had slurs hurled at them—gave advice to Tea Partiers on how to defend tomorrow's Tax Day events against the nefarious "liberal activists." So, it's only fair that we give advice to the crashers. Here we go!
Signs: Signs are a very important part the tea party movement. You will need very large signs to carry around or you will be instantly spotted as an impostor. If possible, carry three or four signs, and then carry a child who is carrying their own, smaller signs. Of course, these signs must be stylistically consistent with tea party signs. We know that many of you liberal elitists are familiar with such graphic design programs as Photoshop. Do not use them to design your signs! Tea Party signs are almost universally stenciled in blue pen or scrawled in Magic Marker on bright yellow poster board. At the most, they use those sticky letters you can buy to put on your mail boxes. Correct spelling and grammar are key: Don't use them. You should consult our illustrated guide to Teabonics for many examples.
Costumes: The correct costume can mean the difference between a successful crash, or ending up being punched in the face by a very large man wearing a shirt with an eagle on it. Favorite costumes of teabaggers include: Revolutionary war outfits; the devil with Obama's face; a giant copy of the constitution which is weeping because of Obamacare; Stalin with Obama's face; Obama with Stalin's body; Stalin (wearing an Obama T-shirt); sexy Sarah Palin. The list goes on and on.
Guns: If you are planning on crashing a tea party event, be aware that many people will probably have guns. If you don't want to be shot, you should also bring your gun. If everyone has a gun then no one will be shot. That's how it works, right Teabaggers?
Race: You should be white and male. If you are not white and male, be black, but constantly talk about how there are black conservatives, too. Really have a chip on your shoulder about that and people will leave you alone. Who knows, you might even end up as a Fox News commentator.
Puns: The tea party is perhaps America's first pun-based social movement. They love puns! You should have an arsenal of anti-government, anti-Obama puns to deploy at a moment's notice. Some suggestions: Commander in Thief; Nobama; Obama Bin Laden; Quit Stalin; Release the Baracken; Joe Biden His Time Until He Can Make America a Socialist Paradise; Nancy Pelosi? More like Nancy PeLOSER; etc., etc.
OK, go ruin those tea parties!