Today in quintessential sentences from The Washington Post's Dana Milbank: "Legal merits aside, trying the terrorist leader in New York would be a political disaster — something everybody seems to grasp but Holder." Hah. Way to tackle the important bit.

Writing columns about complicated matters of justice and law is so easy when you can just put the essential questions "aside" to focus on what you imagine people like you will think of how the issue will eventually be spun to people like you! "Rule of law aside..." "America's Constitution aside..." "The rights of man aside..." "Habeas Corpus and two centuries of jurisprudence aside..." "Morality aside..." Now you're qualified to be a star columnist for the biggest daily newspaper in our nation's capital!

Dana has a good point, too. Why can't this dim bulb Eric Holder understand how it plays, politically, to do the right thing? He is simply not as clever and politically plugged-in as Dana Milbank, funny costume-wearing column-writer for The Washington Post!

(Oh, and the miserable column begins with a weird torture joke/analogy because Dana is very good at writing funny jokes.)