Last night we said goodbye to Ugly Betty, whose television life was cut short after an announcement that this season would be it's last. Even with little time to finish their story, the writers gave absolutely everyone a happy ending.

Happy Ending #1: Daniel Realizes How Much He Needs Betty
After many seasons of taking Betty for granted, it seems as though he's finally realized not only how much he absolutely needs her around, but at the urging of his mother—that he might have romantic feelings for Ms. Suarez.

Happy Ending #2: Hilda's Moving Out
Hilda decides to have a go a domestic bliss, and the newly married couple decide to move out of Queens and into Manhattan. Ignacio's totally cool with the move, more open bathroom time for him and his tiny bladder!

Happy Ending #3: Betty & Justin Are All Grown Up
The obligatory speech about Betty's transformation from the Brace-faced, poncho-wearing, ugly duckling to the "star" that she is now, courtesy of Justin. This pep talk seemed to push Betty over the edge in making her decision to leave Mode magazine and take a new position heading up a new magazine in London—and also shows Justin as a happy, comfortable-with-himself teen.

Happy Ending #4: Willy Does the Right Thing, Leaves the Meade Family Alone
At the urging of Claire Meade, Wilhelmina announces to the public that her gunshot wound was self-inflicted, leaving the Meade family to bond and get to know each other.

Happy Ending #5: Amanda Finds Her Father
After being introduced a mere three episodes ago, Bryan Batt's tweety bird tattoo led us to discover that he's Amanda's mystery father. The two BFF's and now bonded by blood, and thus, a happy ending for the two.

Happy Ending #6: Marc Gets Back on the Dating Wagon
At Betty's goodbye party, Marc finally gets over his fears and asks his ex for a dance.

Happy Ending #7: Wilhelmina Gains Control of Mode Magazine
In a surprising turn of events, Daniel realizes that he's had everything handed to him for his entire life and steps down, giving Willy everything she's ever wanted: control of Mode.

Happy Ending #8: Daniel Ask Betty On a Date
The series ended with a montage of Betty living it up in ol' Londontown (with punk rock music in the background, of course) until she walks right into Daniel Meade. The two have a seat in the middle of Trafalgar Square, where Daniel apologizes for not saying goodbye to Betty, whines about his richboy problems, and finally invites Betty for a date.