Lesley Stahl

Stahl has spent the last two decades on 60 Minutes, logging some quality time with Scott Pelley, Morley Safer, Steve Kroft, and the late Mike Wallace and Andy Rooney.
A Massachusetts native and Wheaton College grad, Stahl's broadcasting star rose quickly with her coverage of the Watergate scandal. A White House correspondent during the 80s, she became prominent on the national stage as the host of Face the Nation from 1983-1991. Since the early 90s, Stahl has found a home on 60 Minutes, where she has conducted some memorable interviews, such as when Al Gore said he would not be running for President again in 2004 or when Nicolas Sarkozy walked out of his interview when she asked him about his soon-to-be estranged spouse. She can also boast being an author, penning Reporting Live in 1999, and is a longtime member of the Council on Foreign Relations. [Image via Getty]