Fiscally conservative Tea Partiers just can't seem to nail down a message. They hate government spending, but want Obama to shell out more money so astronauts can play with big, expensive toys in outer space. Maybe they're just bored retirees?

At a demonstration outside NASA's Kennedy Center in God's waiting room Florida yesterday, Space Coast Patriots carried birther signs and yelled nonsensical slogans about Obama's supposed scrapping of America's space program during his visit there. From NPR's Greg Allen:

Although he's scaled back, all but canceled the Constellation manned mission program, President Obama has actually increased the NASA budget. And after the outcry about the Constellation, Mr. Obama has proposed pumping more money into the Kennedy Space Center, with programs that the White House says will add some 4,500 jobs. Like much the president says, [protester] Don Forward says he doesn't believe it."

According to Don Forward: "[...] It's not going to help the day to day person who works out at the cape, actually making the cape run, I don't think it is." Another Space cadet, Bonnie Smith, told NPR she thinks this is all part of Barack Hussein's diabolical plan to destroy the Patriotic resistance: "This area is a Republican area. You know, I can be conspiratorial and say, is he trying to crush this area? You know, you can look at it like that." Yes, Bonnie, we can be conspiratorial and suggest you increase your daily Geritol intake.

And retired Kennedy Space Center worker John Schneider thinks the government needs to spend more money, and lots of it, to keep the program running: "When John Kennedy said we'll be on the Moon in 10 years, we were. I mean, we did it. But it took a bunch of money. They, you know, they did not spare the horses when it came to money."

Can't someone just ship a bunch of backgammon sets and lawn chairs down to these confused old-timers?

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