New York State Senator Pedro Espada Jr. is one of the three or four worst people in Albany. So let's all support the nice-seeming lady who is running against him. Ok?

Espada doesn't even live in the Bronx district he represents. He's under investigation by Andrew Cuomo for massive corruption. In 2009, he decided to become a Republican in order to seize control of the State Senate and bring all state business to a standstill until he was bribed back into the Democratic fold. He's partly responsible for the financial woes of the MTA and he refuses to do anything to help mass transit in any way. He gave his loser son a cushy job. He is an asshole.

But: Espada is raising a shitload of money from landlords, the real estate sector, and developers. And he's fairly popular in the district where he doesn't live, in the Bronx.

This nice-seeming lady is named Desiree Pilgrim-Hunter. I do not know very much about her, except that she's a community organizer and she is not Pedro Espada Jr., which is good enough for me. She will announce her candidacy tomorrow morning outside the Bronx Library Center.

As we said, Espada has lots of money and will have no problem raising more. Hunter might have trouble winning support from the usual Democratic fundraisers. So you should send her all the money you have left in your pocketbook because if we can't send Espada to jail it would be nice to at least get him out of the State Senate.