Hilary Geary Ross

The third wife of billionaire bottom feeder Wilbur Ross, Geary is a ubiquitous social fixture in Southampton, Palm Beach, New York and other places rich people generally hang out.
Born into New York society family the Murrays (on her mothers side), she grew up a popular member of her Southampton social set. Her family's Murray-McDonnell Southmapton estate spans hundreds of acres (now largely parceled off), and is the stuff society legends are made of. Her first husband Jack Geary, with whom she had one child, John Geary III, passed away young. After being widowed early on, she had a string of relationships (and a short lived marriage) with other rich dudes including wealthy Brit businessman Peter Green, and former U.S. Senator Alfonso D'Amato, before taking up with financier Wilbur Ross. Ross, a veritable master of buying sinking ships, made his fortune investing in industries no one would touch—steel and textiles—after the recession in 2001. The couple were married at St. Andrew's Church on the Dunes in 2004 in Southampton, and continue to host an impressive amount of soirees at their homes in Palm Beach and Manhattan.
Geary Ross is a sometime society writer for Quest, and recently authored the book New York, New York with photographer Harry Benson. She also serves on the board of the Blenheim Foundation as well as the Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach.
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