Are you consuming rat pee at the same time as your soda? Do you ever feel the desire to skip your Lamborghini across a lake? Mythbusters takes on two different myths, and busts both.

Myth 1: Do soda cans contain traces of rat urine? Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman first created a control group of rat-infected soda cans by releasing the rodents on top of one thousand cans to see whether traces can be detected with black-light.

They then proceeded to collect one thousand cans from random places around the city, and used their black-light method to test their sample. It seems as if the entire point of the rat control group was just for fun, as they ended up taking the cans to get tested by a man who knew more about what he was doing. The myth ended up being busted - there are no traces of rat urine left on your cans. Feel free to chalk it up to an hygienic obsessed society and stop wasting all that plastic by using straws.

Myth 2: The movie Cannonball 3/Speed Zone features a Lamborghini that skips across a lake during a chase. The B-team (as I like to call them) took on this myth, attempting to re-create the scene without actually using a luxury car. Matching their sample car for weight, length and subsequently for velocity, they remotely drive the car into a shallow lake.

As you can see the myth was definitely busted, although the video of the car flipping and crashing was definitely worth the letdown.