Stephen Baldwin—the least Baldwin of all the Baldwins—is bankrupt and talentless. Luckily, he came up with a plan to make money that requires no talent or work: It is a website called Let's make a donation!

This video explains it all!

Restore Stephen Baldwin is one of those things that is so crazy you hope it's a joke. According to Restore Stephen Baldwin, Stephen Baldwin—an anti-gay, born again Christian—is Job, from the Bible. Like Job, he is suffering because of his faith. Stephen Baldwin/Job turned his back on Hollywood because of his belief in God, and not because he was a terrible actor. Now he is broke. We must now launch a movement to "restore" Stephen Baldwin from the condition of not having any money by donating via PayPal or major credit card. In this way, Stephen Baldwin will be able to focus less on collecting bottles to buy a Hot Pocket for dinner and more on spreading the Gospel.

See, according to the video, Stephen's shame is God's shame:

He has been publicly ridiculed and insulted by people who think that he has been abandoned by God. A simple search through the internet will reveal that people not only mock Stephen, but mock God as well.

And Stephen's restoration will be God's restoration:

Our vision is to see stephen baldwin publicly restored in front of millions. Stephen's platform will increase, allowing him to reach even more people with the gospel, and god will get all of the glory, Publicly

Obviously, after watching this video you want to help. But how? Is there some sort of movement to join? A prayer to say? No. There is only a "donate" button to hit, with the default donation being $4.21 because that's the passage from the Book of Job that inspired Baldwin to set up his spiffy begging website. This is essentially a website where you can directly contribute to Stephen Baldwin's rent.

But save your money! We are about to launch our own Stephen Baldwin-related website, and we need your help. It is called