If you like your workout routines to include pelvic thrusts, air guitar, and the occasional mounting-by-a-groupie, then Bret Michaels and his team have just the class for you!

When tasked to come up with a gym class for Derek Jeter's 24 Hour Fitness Gyms, team Rocksolid—now comprised of Bret Michaels, Sharon Osbourne, and Maria Kanellis—decided to add their own "unique" rock and roll spin on aerobics, sexual impropriety be damned!

See how Maria keeps claiming that her team's rock and roll workout class was "original"? Haven't rock music and out-of-the-box movements been a staple of aerobic classes since Crunch first opened its doors? Guess they thought that Sharon Osbourne teasing you with a whip brought in that extra dose of originality. Sadly, the 24 Hour Fitness rep agreed.

Will you be signing up any time soon?

[Via Hulu]