Fox to Induce Panic Attacks for Fun and Profit

And it will all be televised. Also today: good news for fans of TNT cop shows, good news for fans of FX crime shows, bad news for fans of USA doctor shows, and mixed news for fans of nerd shows.
Worry no longer, fans of Ben McKenzie and the big guy from Band of Brothers playing gay. TNT has renewed Southland, which it picked out of NBC's dumpster last year, for a third season. The ratings weren't stellar, but the critical response was. Plus, TNT probably didn't want the public embarrassment of an early cancellation after they so heroically rescued the gritty-lite cop series from death. So yay for everyone, except for Tom Everett Scott. He knows why. [Variety]
Oh good. Fox has ordered a pilot called Panic Attack, about hyper phobic people confronting their greatest fears. It will be hosted by "married psychotherapists and motivational speakers who host the U.K. series A Life Coach Less Ordinary," which is the worst description of any couple ever. Phobias dealt with will include heights, snakes, and cleaver-wielding serial killers. Well, not that last one. That is a show I would watch. "OK, Diane, are you ready? We're going to lock you in a room with the Butcher of Boise for ten minutes. Good luck! What Diane doesn't know, audience, is that the Butcher is played by local improv troupe actor Gary Markland. Gary, give us a wink!" [THR]
FX loves them some crime. They've ordered a pilot called Outlaw Country, about organized crime in the South. Right. "Organized crime." The only organized crime in the South is when two people happen to be stealing the same water heater at the same time. Well, that and the meth. I suppose there's the meth. But this show'd better not be about meth. I hope it's about the Southern organized crime they show in The Client. You know, that whole Nawlins Anthony LaPaglia Swagger. The LaPaglia LaSwagglia. I hope it's a show about Anthony LaPaglia filming The Client. There you go. [Variety]
Dreadful, wildly untalented actress Marcia Gay Harden, who stinks so much with all her Tonys and Oscars and Emmys, has been cast in television's best show, USA's Royal Pains. The flat, tone-deaf "actress" will do a multi-episode arc on the kinetic, wildly hilarious series, as a tough-talking surgeon. Ugh. Next thing you know, some loser like Meryl Streep is going to be guesting on Psych or something. Can you imagine how that hack would ruin that fizzy and delightfully irreverent series? [EW]
Someone is developing a live Batman show, for the stage. Not like the Broadway stage, but sort of arena-y. Like Batman: On Ice, But Actually Not On Ice. It's to appeal to kids and families. Which are different things. Let's see. Boys like Batman, yes? And boys like live theater extravaganzas, yes? But are those boys the same boys? In Brian Moylan's case, yes. But for all the others? What about them?? This is the sociological mystery that the Tufts Gender Studies department hopes to solve by putting this show together. [THR]
Aw, look! The delightful Cheri Oteri has been cast in an indie movie alongside Sean Astin, who has come a long way from Lord of the Rings, just in the wrong direction. They'll team up with Kevin Nealon, Martin Mull, and someone called Lil' JJ for And They're Off, a comedy about horse racing. Made on the cheap, the production has already started with the actors standing strategically close to Sex and the City 2 shoots and acting as if they're part of the same action. [Variety]
Nerd News: A new pilot from Stephen King called Haven, about a lady FBIer trying to solve a moiduh in Maine, has found a director. It's a guy named Adam Kane, who has directed episodes of Heroes. The show, for the Syfy network, is filming in Nova Scotia and stars, among others, Eric Balfour. Try as they may to keep that kid down, he just keeps on coming back for more, god bless him. [THR] That was the happy news. Here is the sad. Rumors are swirling that Legend of the Seeker, a syndicated fantasy series about this young man and, I assume, other things, has been canceled. Awful. Just awful. [EW]