Manifestation of capitalism's logical conclusion Wal-Mart has nearly finished blanketing small-town America with huge unattractive warehouse centers. But that does not mean Wal-Mart will stop expanding. It is now getting smaller to swarm you, like the nanobots of Prey.

The WSJ reports that America is plumb out of empty spaces just outside town where Wal-Mart can build hellish "SuperCenters." Now the company plans to insinuate itself into ever-smaller spaces, with grocery-like "Neighborhood Markets" and "far smaller urban stores, as well as condensed locations where consumers can pick up merchandise they order online." Yes, that would be perfect for...RIGHT HERE. A small, unobtrustive Wal-Mart storefront on a side street where you urban sophisticates can go pick up your Wal-Mart orders because you secretly love Wal-Mart.

The only thing standing in Wal-Mart's way: the explosive growth of off-brand grocery stores like Save-A-Lot—"relatively small, nondescript locations that offer simplified selections of staples such as milk and canned vegetables at cut-rate prices." Well that's...much better.