He was haunted by it until his dying day. This comedian was a terror on the set until his costar dumped him. This British singer stole her flack's canine name. We're all going to the dogs.

1. "Which designer who recently died was HIV+ and was distraught over the fact he had infected at least four other people." [CDaN]

2. "What B-/C+ list TV/movie comedian/'actor' on a long-running network show got away with showing up late, never learning any of his lines, and generally driving the crew crazy with his arrogance...for as long as he was romancing the show's A list star. Once that was over, so was his free ride." [CDaN]

3. "Which British singer is at war with her publicist after the leggy star shamelessly gave her new pooch the same name as the one painstakingly chosen by her PR? That's ruff." [UK Mirror]