'Compton Cookout' Backfires by Attracting Actual Compton Residents

Two months ago, the University of California San Diego exploded in racial uproar over a Ha-Ha frat boy "Compton Cookout" party, that made fun of the funny black people in Compton. Result: Compton people are now coming to UCSD. D'oh.
Some people said the Compton Cookout was all in good fun and besides there was a black guy organizing it, which disqualifies anything from racism, forever; others said it was so god damn racist, Jesus, stop being so racist. What is for sure, according to the LAT, is that the kids at Compton High School were upset about it, and they wrote a letter, and now there is an ongoing effort to recruit more kids from Compton to the "prestigious [sic?] beachside university," which refers to UCSD.
Total Compton Cookout backfire. How can frat boys feel free to hold Compton Cookouts in the future if there are a bunch of actual Compton kids who are probably ghetto gangsters running around campus? Happily, the two sides have found at least a little common ground:
Omar Bravo, a [Compton High] junior, said he still feels insulted and unwanted. "I don't want to go to a university where I don't feel safe," he said.
The UCSD frat boys feel exactly the same way, Omar. Reconciliation achieved!