In March the Village Voice's Foster Kamer made a penis joke about Jim Dolan, the evil billionaire who controls Cablevision, Madison Square Garden, and Rainbow Media. Dolan was not amused. Now he's retaliated by getting $1 million of advertising pulled.

Kamer (who used to write for us and is nice) wrote a mildly offensive joke, too convoluted to explain here, about Dolan enjoying oral pleasure from another man. He pretty quickly pulled $20,000 worth of advertising and threatened legal action. Overkill? Not yet.

Today, a somewhat shaken Kamer explained the subsequent massive lack of sense of humor on Dolan's part:

That same post has now resulted in all Madison Square Garden Entertainment advertising being pulled from the Village Voice.

Furthermore, LiveNation — one of America's biggest concert promoters — has now pulled all of its advertising from the The Village Voice at the behest of James Dolan, whose MSG Entertainment employs the services of Live Nation/Ticketmaster in their ticketing and promotions operations.

In toto, a mediocre dick joke about a media acquisition has now cost this company upwards of $1M in yearly advertising revenue.

Related: Cablevision's Jim Dolan Successfully Sues Blogger Into Submission