She told her friends that the producer of the show was "lacking," now he's going to fire her. This celebrity couple had a silly accident while having sex outdoors. Let's hope it had nothing to do with his endowment.

1. "This actress was delighted to finally land a lead on a television series. However, it may be over before it begins. Although she tested well, one of the show's key execs just doesn't like her. Scratch that. He can't stand her. Turns out that a few years back she rejected him in a way that infuriated him. They had gone out on a couple of dates, but she soon discovered that his talk was bigger than his anatomy. Seems she told a couple of friends about his shortcomings and that information eventually got back to him. Since then, he has been waiting for payback. He thinks it would be the ultimate humiliation if they announced that she was being replaced on the show by someone younger or prettier or thinner or more talented. Since the actress thinks she's got the role on lock, it should come as a pretty big shock to her if her role is recast." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This celebrity has a significant other that has been in the press every once in a while for the recent projects he's been working on. The man seems by all accounts a decent guy, but has an unusual habit. He engages in "wind bathing." He stands on a balcony, completely nude and let's his body be bathed in wind. He believes it has certain benefits. When the celebrity discovered this, she was amused and thought it would be fun to combine wind bathing into their steamy love life. In the course of trying to do this, a small tragedy occurred. It was extremely windy and stormy and a large pot blew off the balcony, injuring the boyfriend. He's publicly blamed the injury on something else, but it happened this way and put a damper on his current projects. Not Eva Longoria or Tony Parker." [BuzzFoto]