George Rekers Resigns from Anti-Gay Group Over Rentboy Scandal

Citing "false media reports" claiming he vacationed with male prostitutes, Rekers yesterday resigned from the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality so he can focus on clearing his name. The group advised him to "get a good lawyer."
Anti-gay activist Rekers probably figured he could weather the "long stroke" accusations from one rentboy. But then another came out with details of his love of the "tickle touch" and it's all sort of spun out of control for the old guy since. His resignation from NARTH says:
I am immediately resigning my membership in NARTH to allow myself the time necessary to fight the false media reports that have been made against me. With the assistance of a defamation attorney, I will fight these false reports because I have not engaged in any homosexual behavior whatsoever. I am not gay and never have been." — George A. Rekers, Ph.D.
Talking Points Memo spoke to the vice president of operations for NARTH, David Pruden, who had this to say about Rekers' resignation:
NARTH as an organization has taken no official role in this other than asking him to explain to us what has happened and in accepting his resignation."
Pruden denied reports that NARTH was helping Rekers with damage control in the media. According to the group's mission statement, "NARTH is a professional, scientific organization that offers hope to those who struggle with unwanted homosexuality." Surely they can offer some hope for Rekers now that he's on the outside.