Park Slope Parent Mafia Intimidates Restaurant Into Kiddie Menu

Behold, the power of the Park Slope Parents! Do you dare to open a restaurant in Park Slope without a kid's menu? Oh, you will have a kid's menu. You most certainly will.
Fornino is a very good—dare we say gourmet?—pizza establishment. It recently opened a restaurant in Park Slope, home to America's best parents. But lo, trouble brewed; the users on Yelp had a little problem.
My issue is the menu. I'm sure this place does awesome in hipster W'burg, but in breeder Park Slope, this menu has issues. There are no "simple" menu items I could order since of course last night was the night my son decided to be picky. I wasn't looking for chicken fingers and french fries, but maybe a basic pasta I could order as an app would have worked.
No sooner did this comment make its way to the blogs than voila, Fornino hastily announced that it now has a kid's menu, so tiny Aedylynne can enjoy some Spaghetti & Meatballs or some nice Dry Pasta as mom picks at her Pugliese pie and daydreams of Don Draper. You don't have to ask Forninos twice; they know who you are, Park Slope Parents.
How dare you open a nice restaurant without a Dry Pasta option, for the tots?