That's if the coke doesn't destroy it first. This silly actress pitched a fit over something incredibly petty. Finally, yesterday's item about a director pimping out his wife is solved. For a change, we have answers!

1. "She once had money coming at her from all directions: TV, films, club appearances, product endorsements. That well is quickly running dry. She has slashed her rates in half, but there are still few takers. One simple solution for shaking things up: plastic surgery. She has been quietly meeting with plastic surgeons for both face and body work. If she does decide to have plastic surgery—about which she is surprisingly squeamish—we hear that her nose will be the first body part to go. Then again, if she doesn't lay off the white powder, it may fall off on its own." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This not so bright starlet recently found the cell phone of the director of her television show. She cruised through the numbers in his contact list and when she discovered her name was listed third behind other actresses on the show, she threw a huge tantrum. She confronted the director and accused him of picking favorites, the proof being in his cell phone contact list. He calmly explained that the names were put in alphabetical order, not order of importance. Instead of apologizing for her behavior, she instead went back to her trailer and tried to clean up her wardrobe she had earlier ripped to shreds out of anger. Not Courteney Cox." [BuzzFoto]

3. "Yesterday I introduced you to the married actress who was willing to do anything to help her husband. Well her affections are not just reserved to help her husband. She also looks out for herself. One of her regulars is an A list writer and show creator who wrote for one of the greatest television shows of all time and has a new one on the same network. Anyway, to make sure she stays in this writer's good graces, our actress indulges his fantasies and anytime you see her with bruises on her wrists you know she was hanging out with him. One time, our actress was orally servicing this writer and someone walked in. The writer expected our actress to stop but even when she saw the person who walked in she just kept going until the act was completed." [CDaN]

Blind Gossip thinks they know who this naughty actress and her director husband are. You'll never guess who!