It just might happen. Also today: a Three Musketeers movie rounds out its cast, good news for Conchords fans, amazing news for Twilight fans, and gut-busting brain-imploding news for Justin Bieber fans.

One thing I've always felt about Glee is that they need to have guest stars! They never have any guest stars ever and I think it would add a real dash of splash and spice to the proceedings. Just lots of guest stars. They have never done this before, but now I hear news that they might, starting with... Susan Boyle! Yayyyyyy. The thing that Glee needed second most after guest stars was mystical Scottish gnome ladies. So now: two birds, one stone. She would play a lunch lady and, we'd assume!!!, will sing us a song. The idea has been pitched by Ryan Murphy and now we just have to wait. Oh why is waiting always the hardest part?? [EW]

Juno Temple, an up-and-coming English actress who appeared in Atonement and briefly in Greenberg (as that annoying Australian girl at the end), is vying for the role of queen in an upcoming 3D Three Musketeers movie. Now, now, don't get too excited. It won't be 3D Charlie Sheen and Kiefer Sutherland slashing about while Sting, Rod Stewart, and Bryan Adams sing a song (in 3D). It's going to be Logan Lerman from Percy Jackson, attractive British stage actor Luke Evans (Clash of the Titans), Matthew MacFayden (Keira Knightley's Mr. Darcy), and Milla Jovovich (Videogames: The Movie). No, she's not a Musketeer, sadly. If the Musketeers fought chemical zombies, maybe. But mostly no. She'll be singing "All for One" on the soundtrack. This movie is probably going to be terrifically horrible, huh? [THR]

Poor old Garry Marshall is being strong-armed into casting beautiful lion cub Justin Bieber in his upcoming Valentine's Day followup (yes this is happening), New Year's Eve. He says he has no idea who the kid is but the brass is telling him they want the moppet in the movie, so there ya go. I mean, he had the Taylors Lautner and Swift in V-Day, so what does he care. He called them "the Injun and the Kewpie" the whole time. That's actually how they're listed in the opening credits. I imagine he'll just call Justin "Penny" and think he's being daring by filming a teen lesbian scene for the movie. Marshall also wants Reese Witherspoon and Halle Berry for the ensemble picture, which takes place in New York on, yerp, New Year's Eve. Sigh. [MTV]

Ohhh intriguing. They're making a Men In Black 3, which is a bad thing. But there is also a good thing! Jemaine Clement, one half of the Flight of the Conchords, has signed on to play a villain. That is pretty fun right? It's cool that he is now getting parts in big studio movies. I mean look what playing a villain in MiB2 did for Johnny Knoxville. Johnny Knoxville is a huge star now! But seriously Jemaine Clement is no Johnny Knoxville, mostly because he is not a mean annoying person. So good for Jemaine. [Cinematical]

The CW, network of dreams, is steaming ahead with Plain Jane a makeover/dating reality show about a dumpy lady who gets a makeover and then goes on a date with a secret crush. Hm. Could they do this with dudes too? Because, um, hypothetically, there might be someone with a variety of secret crushes who would like a makeover and maybe to go on a date with one of the crushes. You know. I don't know. Just made a person up. No one you know. Well of course you don't them, they're not real. Excuse me, I have to go place a work call to the CW. To find out the answer to that, erm, hypothetical question. [THR]

OMG thank god. Ohhhh god, I'm so relieved. Oh oh oh. Oh. I can breathe again. Heavens. God. Twilight supporting players Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen) and Kellan Lutz (Meatsy LaRue, Forks-area rentvampyr) have signed on to reprise their roles in the last film, Sweet Eddie Cullen's Shotgun Sex Revenge Breaking Dawn. No one knows if the kids got the money they wanted or if they caved to the studio, but who really cares. Our darling vampire friends are returning so we can once again go back to loving them from corners, separated by screens, whimpering to ourselves in darkened theaters as Meatsy mounts his prey and rides til morning. [EW]