Today we looked at actors who get rid of their "Gay Voice" to help their careers. In terms of that profession, that seemed reasonably harmless. But one commenter reminded us where that thinking can lead. It's a sad one.

From Daoudmac:

This may not translate the way it does to me the way it did to anyone else out there, it broke my heart in so many ways, I actually busted out in tears when I was told.

I had moved back home for a time, things were not good financially and began hanging out with a group of friends who would occasionally have these great art nights. Everyone would bring an easel, paint, canvas etc or music. Anyhow one particular guy that would come was handsome to drop dead gorgeous standards. Not my cup of tea but I would sit there and just gaze at him and think this guy could be in a Bruce Weber campaign, he just exuded that whole vibe of surfer, California, blonde really handsome guy. He was in his 20's but I sat and just thought God this guy is already so beautiful he is just going to get more and more handsome as he gets older. Anyhow onto the heartbreaking. So I finally meet him after about three or four of these gatherings and upon meeting him discover that he cannot speak one word without stuttering, something I had as a child as well but eventually as I grew older was gone. So after a while I am sitting alone with his best friend and we are chatting and I bring up the stuttering thing in a "I identify with it" way. His friend tells me the story. When this guy was a kid he had a extremely feminine lisp, his father being a coach of a football team could not tolerate it and sent him to a speech therapist and he came out of that therapy in elementary school with this stutter. Being that I stuttered and how much I was made fun of just made me think about how I outgrew the stutter but not the lisp and how sad this boy was made almost mute because his father could not stand to have a son who lisped.