After five years, The Tyra Show and host Tyra Banks took their final bow last week. Never fear, as these moments from her final week on air prove that our beloved Tyra won't ever change her ways.

What will we—and The Soup—make fun of now? Here's a roundup of the traits Tyra displayed over her last five shows.

Tyra's Very Expressive: Tyra will never tire of making audience members uncomfortable with her bizarre movements and faces.

Tyra's forceful: Tyra still likes to dress her entire audience up, this time in some fairly phallic-looking t-shirts.

Tyra has Delusions of Grandeur: When teenage girls get pregnant, the first place they turn to is to Tyra—and her voicemail.

Tyra's Self-Obsessed: Tyra's favorite segments are those in which she talks about herself. Take this look back at 5 years of her favorite hair sna-fu's.

Tyra has no shame: What better way to say goodbye than an hour-long tribute to Tyra! How far she's come in five short years—from a super model to annoying television talk show host! You go, Tyra!

Tyra's a Teacher: Tyra always gives the best advice! For instance, the best solution for cellulite is... an afghan!

Tyra's Creative: Despite how crazy the idea may seem, Tyra's got a knack for helping those beneath her shine. Take this insane invention, for example.

Tyra's Dramatic: Girl knows how to make an exit.