It better not be that Chely Wright person again. These celeb sisters are sleeping with the same man and this pair of famous female friends is fighting. It's all about the girl-on-girl action these days.

1. "I was having a pleasant dinner when the person next to me said, guess who is gay. Well, it would be easier to guess who isn't gay, but I said I didn't know. They then said the name of this married, foreign born, former A list female singer and sometime actress who will always have A list name recognition. I had never even heard a peep she was. A gay right supporter for sure, but gay? Absolutely 100%." [CDaN]

2. "This celebrity sister duo share more than just the limelight. They seem to share everything. Including men. As of this weekend the sisters can now boast that they've slept with at least one of the same men. One of the sisters made her rounds with an old flame of the other sister this weekend at a club. Not the Hilton sisters." [BuzzFoto]

3. "It's hard to believe that these two girls were ever friends. They started out with the same dreams and ambitions. However, one has continued down the path of single party girl, while the other is raising kids and starting businesses. Both have been making snippy comments behind the other one's back. Party girl says she feels sorry for the Mommy spending her day up to her elbows in sh*t. She swears that her friend's upcoming marriage will never happen. Mommy says that Party is no longer a star and has no real friends and is heading for destruction with her continued association with the druggie crowd." [Blind Gossip]