Mark Zuckerberg made headlines the other day for emailing Robert Scoble. But it might not have been the Facebook CEO's own words that reached the blogger, since Zuckerberg employs a "ghostwriter" named Kate Losse, we're told.

According to a former Facebook employee, Zuckerberg actually interviewed thoroughly for the position, making Losse and presumably other applicants prove they could write in his voice, such as it is. Odds are, our tipster said, Losse is the one who composed an email to Scoble and wrote the words, "I know we've made a bunch of mistakes, but my hope at the end of this is that the service ends up in a better place." She writes most of Zuckerberg's emails, after all, according to the source

We Facebook messaged Losse an hour and a half ago and have yet to hear back. But the former Facebook customer service rep certainly seems to have the sort of connections on the social network that she'd need to do her job; her "friends" include Zuckerberg, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook chief spokeswoman Brandee Barker and Zuckerberg's sister Randi. (Here's her Facebook profile, with actress Zooey Deschanel's pic attached.) With such an interconnected executive team, you'd think Zuckerberg would want to write his own emails. Especially when his counterpart at Apple Inc., Steve Jobs, managed to grow his company to $11 billion in annual profits while still sending 2 am emails invoking Bob Dylan. The mysteries at Facebook never cease. Maybe we'll ask "Mark Zuckerberg" about it sometime.

[Pic: Losse, via Champion Pugilist on Flickr]