Bristol Palin spent time with Harper's Bazaar, telling the magazine she's a non-stop work machine. Or at least she is when not clubbing it up in New York, charging $30,000 for a speech, or posing for Harper's Bazaar.

The single mom and daughter to Tea Party demigod Sarah Palin, as quoted via CBS News:

"I'm on my own. I'm really proud of it. I'm a hard worker," [Palin] tells the mag. "I don't have time for friends or anything like that. It's just like … there is a hockey game tonight that I want to go to but I can't. Or, I do have to go to work today, because I've got bills to pay."

Palin is presumably fine bending this work-endlessly-no-matter-what policy when it looks like a fun night at 1Oak or posing for the Bazaar shot above. But don't think for a second that shooting PSAs and talking about dirty dirty sex for money is anything but work. Or that it was easy to call the father of her baby "just a stranger to me." Bristol knows from family values, and the how hollow that term can really be.

[Pic: Danielle Levitt/ Harper's Bazaar via CBS]