Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Jimmy Kimmel roasts Matt Damon at his Hollywood tribute, a bizarre appearance by a pant-less Don Rickles, NBC's 100 Questions tanks, and an amazing video of a baby hearing sound for the first time.

New NBC Sitcom 100 Questions a Combination of Every Sitcom You've Already Seen
Last night NBC premiered a new sitcom called 100 Questions which is predictably terrible and also offensively derivative. The show, about a group of urban friends, brings together elements of every sitcom you've ever seen.

Jimmy Kimmel Sums Up Our Reservations About Matt Damon's Hollywood Tribute
Hollywood Salutes Matt Damon aired last night and apparently we weren't the only ones scratching our heads. Kimmel began the roast with "we're giving a salute to someone in their 30's?" and "I just don't think he deserves a salute."

Portly SYTYCD Hopeful Blows Minds and Moves Judges to Tears with Amazing Audition
The standard on So You Think You Can Dance is skinny ballerinas, smoldering salsa dancers, and buff b-boys. But screw that. This chubby contemporary dancer brought it with her audition and blew everyone away. Video of her incredible performance inside.

Baby Gets Cochlear Implant, Reacts to First Sound
If you're having a bad day this video should cheer you up-or at least put things into perspective. Here's Jonathan, an eight-month-old deaf baby who received a cochlear implant. Watch as Jonathan reacts to hearing his first sound.

Don Rickles Appears Pantsless at the Tail End of The Late Show
Talk about your hidden easter eggs—when the rest of us had already changed the channel, Don Rickles appeared as a space shuttle with a rocket shooting into space from his crotch-area. What?!