Charlie Sheen is ready to plead guilty to a misdemeanor domestic violence charge, reports People and TMZ, and will spend 30 days in jail near Aspen, Colorado. (But he could be out in 15 days provided he behaves himself.)

Sheen was originally charged with felony menacing and two misdemeanors for an alleged Christmas Day assault on wife Brooke Mueller, during which Sheen reportedly held a knife to Brooke's neck and threatened to kill her. (Remember the 911 tapes? Terrifying.) Police found an open switchblade on the scene, but as both Sheen and Mueller bounced in and out of rehab and Brooke begged the authorities to waive her restraining order and drop the charges, a domestic violence case that had once seemed rock-solid weakened. If he does the jail time, it will be the long-troubled Sheen's first stay in prison. [People, TMZ, image via Getty]

Previously: Inside Charlie Sheen's Cheap Prenup