Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Sir Paul McCartney is honored by Congress, Stephen Colbert can't wrap his head around bull fighting, Regis is losing his memory, Glenn Beck gets interrupted by commercials, and The Daily Show tricks Senator Larry Craig.

Paul McCartney Receives Gershwin Prize for Popular Song from President Obama
Yesterday, President Obama presented Paul McCartney with the third-ever Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. Congrats to Paul, but we were more impressed that Elvis Costello, Dave Grohl, and Jack White were there to perform as well!

Even Colbert Is Shocked By Bullfighter Gored Through the Throat
Last night's Report featured the now infamous clip of a Spanish bullfighter being gored through the mouth by an angry steer. After seeing what these animals go through, you'll root for the bull.

Daily Show Dupes Larry Craig, Discovers Evan Bayh is "Just Not That Into" the Senate
On last night's Daily Show, John Oliver interviewed Senator Evan Bayh on his not seeking reelection in 2010. In an effort to get inside the mind of a senator leaving, Oliver also checked in with Larry Craig.

Regis Mistakenly Recalls Joe Scarborough's Morning Show as "Coffee Joe"
Old age is catching up with Regis and he can't quite seem to remember what happened a mere few hours earlier. According to his less-than-stellar memory, his morning consisted of "Kellogg K" and "Coffee Joe."

Glenn Beck Cannot Stop Commercials
Glenn Beck was moving toward some sort of revelation on his show when a voice suddenly silenced him. Was it the government? The media? No, it was the people who advertise during his show.