He's didn't have sex with the mannequin, but he did (sort of) kidnap her. This fading male beauty is considering butt implants and this big-spending actress won't talk to store clerks. Isn't working retail already punishment enough?

1. "I don't know how one would define models on a list, but this model has been in all the big magazines and is well known in the modeling world. Anyway, last night at a party she told everyone that she had been out to a party with this B list actor from a hit television show that is on an almost network. She says that he drugged her drink and the next thing she knew she was at his apartment. Nothing happened to her sexually and she was too scared to report it but definitely spent lots of time last night telling anyone who would listen to stay away from the guy." [CDaN]

2. "It was ages ago when this actor was considered a heart throb, and now the actor is struggling to cling to a career that's just as doomed as his thinning hair line. The actor not only has terrible plugs (we suspect, this is unconfirmed) but is hoping to get implants in his derriere in order to do a nude scene that he's hoping will put him back in sex symbol status. We don't mind his acting, but we think we should keep the clothes on and face facts. Not Nicolas Cage." [BuzzFoto]

3. "Although we don't usually see this actress out shopping on her own, it was interesting to hear about one of her recent shopping trips. One thing that we do know for sure is that she doesn't like to speak to sales clerks at all. If there is a question to be asked, our actress whispers into her assistant's ear, who then relayed the message to the clerk. With her financial status, perhaps she should slow down on the spending sprees. After all, no one is giving her tons of free stuff anymore." [Blind Gossip]

4. "Which singer has no regrets about having had leopardskin carpet fitted in his private [elevator]. He was probably just doing it for the kids." [Popbitch]