So it looks like our plane-based message of congratulations will be soaring high above The Breakers in Palm Beach this evening. That's where Rush Limbaugh's super-secret wedding will now be taking place. And Elton John is supposedly performing! What?

Page2Live's Jose Lambiet reports that 400 people attended a Hawaiian-themed rehearsal dinner at the hotel last night and they'll be back there this evening along with 50 private security guards who have been hired to lock down the hotel. And Elton John has apparently forgotten that Rush Limbaugh is one of America's most notorious homophobes who likes to horrible things about gay people because he's supposedly scheduled to serenade the couple. Maybe it was a bout of temporary amnesia brought on by a sudden increase in cash flow, since Page2Live says Rush is reportedly paying Elton more than $1 million to perform?

All very interesting! In any event, we've notified the pilot of the change in location and he's adjusted the flight plan to make sure no one misses the banner. Stay tuned for our aerial message to Rush.


Help Us Congratulate Rush Limbaugh on His Wedding Day