Someone needs to house train this lady not to go in the corner of the room. This actor and actress are bristling at their invented relationship. This network star is quite the cad. You can say he pissed people off.

1. "This B list female R&B singer with some decent hits was so wasted at party last night that she pulled a Verne Troyer. She couldn't find the rest room so went to a corner, lifted her dress and took care of her business right there." [CDaN]

2. "Chip and Grin – an actress and actor couple – have been arguing a lot in the past week or so. She is only obligated to make public appearances with him approximately once per month for a "date night" plus once per month for a "family photo", and is annoyed that he is asking more of her. Since she has agreed to attend a movie premiere with him this month, she is totally balking at attending an awards show together in the very near future (she is also determined not to be present at events where he is going to play the fool). By the way, if she looks healthier and happier lately, it's because she is. She is not afraid of him anymore, she can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and she is determined to come out of this divorce on top." [Blind Gossip]

3. "This B-/C+ list actor is the co-star on a network show with lots of firepower, but has been struggling ratings wise. Despite the rumors that our actor is having a fling with his A list actress co-star, the ratings continue to slump. Anyway, not too long ago our actor was in a bar with a friend. Two women came up to our actor to tell him they were fans. The actor turned to them and said, "Don't even talk to me unless you are going to show me your t**s." As he said this he started fondling one of the women between her legs. The actor's friend then apologized and said the actor was drunk and didn't mean it. Our actor then said he meant every word and that the two women should go back to his place with him for a threesome or leave him alone." [CDaN]