Rod Blagojevich Will Tweet During His Corruption Trial, Naturally

Illinois' alleged horrible criminal ex-governor, Rod Blagojevich, is very excited for the start of his corruption trial, which he's been promoting on television and radio since forever. Is he actually going to tweet nonsense throughout the trial? What a muppet.
The jury selection process began last week, a few days after Blagojevich created his Twitter account. (Things are already bizarre in court this morning: "Among those eliminated was a Polish-born woman whom the prosecution complained appeared to have trouble comprehending questions from [U.S. District Judge James] Zagel when he interviewed her on Friday. When Zagel said he agreed that the woman should go, Blagojevich's wife, Patti, visibly shook her head." C'mon, at least try, Patti.) Why is Rod Blagojevich so intent on communicating with the public via a silly web-based application of one-liners during his jury trial for federal crimes?
At least he's letting his lawyer do the physical tweeting for him. Oh, nevermind, it's not his lawyer, it's his "Florida-based publicist." (The lawyer is presumably busy trying to kill himself.)
Rod Blagojevich, due back in federal court today for his corruption trial, meanwhile, has posted 11 tweets since joining the site May 31, with a characteristic how-do-you-do: "Please follow on Twitter for the latest updates. I am innocent and look forward to clearing my name."
Blagojevich's Florida-based publicist, Glenn Selig, said that Patti is tweeting from her own phone while Selig is doing the actual posting for Rod. The former governor isn't quite up to speed yet, but Selig says he's getting "more and more into technology since he got into the show."
Sometimes it's cool to act like an adult during your federal corruption trials, but who knows.
[Image via Getty]