Warren the Ape, beloved character from the short-lived Greg the Bunny series, transformed into a leading man when his new series debuted. The show is so entertaining that you'll forget that you're watching the same network that airs Jersey Shore.

Warren De Montague is a drug-addicted actor who threw away his career on sex, drugs, and booze. He decides to make an attempt at getting clean—on national TV for us all to enjoy. Here's his first meeting with Dr. Drew at rehab and the show's intro:

The deciding factor in loving Warren is that he's such a black-hearted asshole at heart. In the clip below, he meets his nemesis, only to find out that he's been diagnosed with cancer. He shows a sympathetic side in person, but as soon as he leaves he decides to plot against him.

As for the creation of the sex tape, you'll have to watch the full episode to see what went down. Did anyone else tune in last night?