She can't handle her controlling mother so she copes by hurting herself. Speaking of mothers, another actress sent flowers to a cameraman when his mom passed away. They may share a profession but they have very different motivations.

1. "This all grown up actress might seem smart and confident, but sources reveal that she's anything but. We hear that she has such a troubled relationship with her mother, she is secretly a cutter. Her mother is extremely controlling and demands to know all the goings-on in the star's life. The actress calls her at least twice a day explaining her recent projects, her relationships, and her day to day activities and problems. The actress secretly resents her mother but is so attached and afraid of her, she can't help but keep up this sick cycle, even though she is an adult. Not Jessica Alba." [BuzzFoto]

2. "This A list movie and formerly television actress (and it pains me to call her A list), did something really nice on the set of her most recent flop (although it was supposed to do much, much better). On the set, she met a cameraman who spoke to our actress about the fact that his mother was dealing with a life threatening illness. She always took time to talk to him, listen to him and ask about his mother. She went way out of her way everyday to check up on him and the condition of his mother. After filming ended, the mother passed away. Our actress sent flowers and a very long letter to the cameraman consoling him for his loss." [CDaN]