America's only escapist pleasure during this endless oil spill has been yelling at and making fun of dour BP CEO Tony Hayward. What a dork! But now the fun's over, because Hayward will no longer manage operations in the Gulf.

Hayward's Swedish overlord, BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg, explained the change in an interview with Sky News. Hayward will remain CEO, but far away from the cameras.

Mr Svanberg also told [Sky's Jeff] Randall that comments by Mr Hayward have had detrimental effects as the company seeks to control the fallout from the disaster.

"It is clear Tony has made remarks that have upset people," Mr Svanberg said.

The chairman explained that Mr Hayward left Britain for the US after the explosion with the express purpose of dealing with the response to the spill, but stopping the flow has not gone to plan.

"Everyone thought it would be done faster," Mr Svanberg said.

Ouch. That's about as nasty a public scolding of a CEO that you're likely to hear from a wry Swedish chairman of a transnational English corporation. Although we can't confirm that.

Anyway, who's the new schmuck we can yell vicious slurs at all day for fun?

Asked by Randall about Mr Hayward's ongoing role, Mr Svanberg said: "He is now handing over the operation to Bob Dudley."

Robert Dudley has been the managing director of the oil giant since 2009, and prior to the appointment he was president and chief executive of TNK-BP, Russia's third largest oil and gas company.

Hi "Robert Dudley," you stupid asshole!

See? We'll be fine with this guy.