The interns are rebelling. Nobody is safe. "Tough-as-nails" Brooklyn Assistant District Attorney Ama Dwimoh—who prosecutes crimes against children and earned her stripes on the Nixzmary Brown murder case—has been suspended for terrorizing interns.

Dwimoh has been suspended "amid allegations she constantly screamed at the intern lawyers and threatened to fire them for little or no reason," the New York Daily News reports. All of which would be the stuff of glorious underling uprising were it not for the fact that Dwimoh's interns are "young attorneys" from "private law firms, including some of the city's most prestigious partnerships." So the lady who is the closest thing New York has to one of those beautiful, hard-nosed heroes on Law & Order: SVU just got sidelined by a bunch of lawyer brats couldn't take the heat. All interns are from hell. (Unless one of Dwimoh's underlings wants to write in and tell all, in which case we'll reconsider.) [NYDN, image via Flickr]