The president of Transocean Ltd, owner of the leaky Deepwater Horizon oil rig, Steven Newman said today that Obama's "arbitrary six-month time limit" on new offshore oil drilling should be lifted, because companies like his are responsible, honest and competent.

Speaking at the World National Oil Companies Congress in London today, Newman told the AP that President Obama "could implement [steps] today that would allow the industry to go back to work tomorrow without an arbitrary six-month time limit." Newman was waxing on the sidelines of the event, where oil company executives were gathered in a show of support during these difficult times for the industry.

Everyone's favorite yachting CEO, BP chief Tony Hayward, pulled out of the conference last night due to a "very heavy level of commitments," and his replacement, BP staff chief Steve Westwell told conference attendees, "[Tony] is genuinely sorry he couldn't be here, especially with so many friends in the conference." Westwell's speech was interrupted by two protesters from Greenpeace. He also said he can't wait for everyone to forget about that continual pain in the ass down in the Gulf of Mexico: "When the media has left the Gulf and the headlines have gone elsewhere we still be there helping."

According to the event's website, the World National Oil Companies Congress is a chance to meet the "CEOs and key senior level directors from the world's National Oil Companies [...] at a time when strategy and investment is more critical than ever." It's also a chance to do some "NETWORKING AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL!" Sounds like fun! A New Orleans judge may rule on a lift of the moratorium today.

[Image via AP]