In the new trailer for this January's adaptation of the comic book The Green Hornet, Seth Rogen cracks jokes, plays off a stoic sidekick, and blows stuff up. We have seen this movie so many times before.

The gist of the story (at least from the trailer) is that Rogen—bumbling about like a teddy bear with the stuffing falling out, as usual—plays the very rich son of a media mogul. When his father dies, he realizes he has done nothing with his life and decides to enlist the help of his father's manservant and become a super hero. The story is based on the Lachlan Murdoch biography that will be released in 2026. But he's not just any hero, he's a hero posing as a criminal so that they can break into the underground and expose it. Oh, and Cameron Diaz plays his secretary. You know she has to be a cop or a corporate spy or something because you know Cammy D didn't sign up to play no stinking secretary. Anyway, jokey rich guy, stoic Asian butler who does kung-fu, explosions—this thing is basically just Batman mixed with Rush Hour with some Bad Boys thrown in for good measure. How original!