BP's in-house magazine BP Planet is putting a positive spin on the oil spill: "Much of the region's businesses—particularly the hotels—have been prospering because so many people have come here" to clean up BP's mess. Thanks, BP!

Wall Street Journal blog The Source apparently read BP Planet and summarized:

"There is no reason to hate BP," one local seafood entrepreneur is quoted as saying, as the region relies on the oil industry for work.

Indeed, the April 20 spill on the Deepwater Horizon is being reinvented in Planet BP as a strike of luck.

"Much of the region's [nonfishing boat] businesses—particularly the hotels—have been prospering because so many people have come here from BP and other oil emergency response teams," another report says. Indeed, one tourist official in a local town makes it clear that "BP has always been a very great partner of ours here…We have always valued the business that BP sent us."

Someone must get us this magazine. Apparently it's online but in-house only—so screengrabs? We will pay you in hero worship, or the dead pelican of your choosing. Time to break ranks, BPeons! No, seriously, do it: tips@gawker.com for all your BP-tattling needs. [TheSource]