Turns out the most depressing things sold at Walmart aren't found inside the store. A couple allegedly offered to sell their 6-month-old baby for $25 to two strangers in a Salinas, California Walmart parking lot.

According to the AP:

"Patrick Fousek, 38, and Samantha Tomasini, 20, were arrested early Wednesday, hours after Fousek allegedly approached two women outside Walmart and asked if they'd like to purchase his child.

The women initially thought Fousek was joking, but when he became persistent, they became suspicious and reported it to police

When police arrived at their house, they found Fousek and Tomasini high on—you guessed it!—meth. Child Protective Services took the baby, and Fousek and Tomasini have been charged with being under the influence of narcotics and child endangerment.

And that's your depressing Walmart story of the week.