Jamaican Gangsters Cross-Dressing Like a Real-Life, Ultraviolent Tootsie

Jamaican drug Christopher "Dudus" Coke was arrested Tuesday, after a manhunt that left 70 dead in Kingston. He'll face charges today in Manhattan. Oh, and he had a pink wig and women's glasses in his car when he was arrested.
Are Jamaican gangsters bad men in floral prints? Today, the Times describes an obsession in Jamaican press with Dudus and his gang members' apparent predilection for dressing up like women. The Jamaican Observer's Chat! Magazine quoted a police source after Dudus' arrest:
We could not believe that the big don had a pink wig in his car! Pink! We were in shock," a police source told Chat! yesterday, between bouts of uncontrollable laughter. "We still in shock. Maybe that is why he was able to stay in hiding for so long, because people looking for a man but he was really a ‘woman!'
Earlier, police had said supspected gangsters were found dead wearing dresses, disguised as women, according to the Times.
Nobody knows if this is just a police tactic to humiliate the gang members. But, still. Do you know how many times I would be willing to be mugged provided my male mugger was wearing a housedress and a big beehive wig, and clutching a leopard-print handbag? Five. I would be mugged five times by funny cross-dressing criminals.