Just what airplane travel needs: more reasons for people to be loud and drunk. Continental Airlines, soon to merge with United, has created fun specialty cocktails, like mojitos, to serve to passengers. Nothing says party like a stuffy tin box!

Adding to the delicious $9 mojito madness will be a flirty pomegranate martini and, best of all, Red Bull drinks. Oh lucy, can you imagine what kind of wonderful delight orders a Red Bull & vodka in coach on an airplane ride? That is my kind of passenger. If Continental could just put on the Syracuse game and dress the stewardesses up in the sluttiest ensembles Hollister has to offer, we would be in Party City USA, elev. 36,000ft!

In related news, "[Continental] said its first-quarter loss widened by more than analysts had expected despite revenue gains as bad weather, higher fuel costs and slow economic improvement all hit its bottom line." Aw, party foul. :(

[New York Post]